Tuesday, January 20, 2009

nearing the end of section three! (almost!!)

i am just going to assume that no one is seeing/reading this so i'm writing my notes to add as i need them can't forget

Points to include of importance with regards to my research investigations/findings & suspicions!!

just quick so i remember to include 3 people influ. strain type A & lethal in aust after floods & equine flu

chemical bogs devastating potency on environment

agent orange -dioxin yrs later consequences continue to remain

military test sites -(radiation? /baldness? ,glow? -- viruses with jellyfish flourocense.)

aurora (northern lights) caused as a result of Venus solar winds/gas/contaminates/bacteria--so looked into hole ozone layer/greenhouse gas damage to allow Earth to be faced with a much greater than usual vulnerability to outer atmospherical conditions/weather/properties,etc.

if meteors/ or if possible that space craft returning from a foreign environment back to earth bringing harmful organisms, simple single-celled, ready- for-successful, immediate, adaptation on our planet which are now compatable/life enabling beings ,happy to develop, undisturbed, on our earth

nanotech gm eng
sars birdflu china hid from general public to withhold panic etc

david kelly germ warfare / chemical weapons inspector mysteriously killed after finding& learning about viral etc warfare elements

if governments covering up this? & /or did they create it/&/or did it escape their labs/leak(even if unknowingly that later actually happened in england with mad cow dis & their careless authorities/workers) & get loose into the environ?.?

All main areas affected near military test bases /sites

nitrogen/atrizineetc.. --- even too much of any good variety of nutrient/element added to soil can be damaging /dangerous/poisonous with toxic effects & so fourth

same climates in my testing regions,same crops,water, chemicals in soil etc.(may not need to require overseas transmission,- could be locally established/mutated/ then spread via local bird &/or surrounding wildlife,)

gm crops

nano pest control/human made/formed /created adaptions

new strain of bird flu/span flu - i still think they are distant related strains even if my Doc. highly doubts me on this issue , so must consider since my lungs/airway/breathing/throat etc affected badly(but slowly) that mine may be the latest mutational phase it was adapting to &fact came from birdmites which were living on BIRDS!!!(starlings)!! & my environment was contaminated(pesticides,fert,weedkiller etc)/had altered properties(flooded soil) not usually found/common in untouched nature as adapted to using nowadays-- Remembering of course mine Definately for an absolute certain fact may be a possible relative of them.even while assuming i'm insane my dr gave what i requested but informed me in this country is heavily stockpiled & i would find it very expensive $50 for 7 one time only needed dose isn't bad surely?) still gave me tamiflu & i tracked down a box i could get with my script--only problem then was i learned must be used within 28days of exposure too infection to be able to work as it should - any longer afterwards than that & the invading organism can then instead adapt a newfound immunity building mutation(like our vacc. shots.) making it resistant to not only the currently in use treatment but can also resist (any similar further ones/& or other strains aswell) to wind up helping the estabishment/over-running/invading) whole outcome benefiting only them & only risking my health further since i was two years too late to take it for effectiveness or else i still reckon had the suitable properties to have made it work for me to some degree

*** have since learnt to date 15 known identified sub'types of influenza virus compatable with humans found in birds (local&migrating ) species
soil/water create ideal environ for virus/bacteria/fungus etc

birds are now realised as just as important if not really more so because they fly out of local range as host for plague like diseases just as bad (is really worse ) as rats, bats,& other learned origins supported factors

Sunday, January 18, 2009

still sect 3 continued here

So although nanotec. &genetically modified enginireeing aswell as chemtrails bothered me enough to require further attention -due to the fact that i was still unable to discount the fact that the surrounding environments may have altered the mites(as if i'm basing everyone got this from them as i can be certain that's how i got mine) when i consider that mites must be everywhere and yet people only get this in specific zones by the general looks of it, so a mutation requirement might explain why this doesn't freely occur all over the place was still my thinking.
So on my to do list was:-
was a check on Calif. Flor, Qld & S.a for all crops that are identical types/strains & planted in common with eachother(found at all places) such as-wheat, corn (checked cotton because this can infest it easily [only one substance that's among lots of other things]) and whatever varieties they happened to share that were the same accross the range of areas i was to check to all the places i was comparing for matching farming conditions.
my theory was to then manage to identify what chemicals were found in common to these soils spread throughout the designated land- utilised for crop growing without having to run any on site tests. once i had a list of the crops present at all, i could then go to sites on the local area based on agriculture/environment etc. to determine what chemicals/fertilizers/pesticides were used for each to see if they would also match up throughout the areas- creating the mix -& so is why begining in these places- which may be the contaminating ingredient enabling such a mutation to form with success.

that was my first suspicion so i was still seeing as important & needed a look in my mind

2nd Nanotechnology,gen.mod. chemtrails were also on the list to learn about gm & chemtrails may have some kind of possible association to my original personal theory so i desired to know more.

but first since i was going with the birdmite-birds-migration for enabling the spread(if even needed to-if created by chemicals they may just be local but found in many areas) & birds being involved somehow(from my experience) & so on - i initially wanted to check this avenue out, leading me to have typed in -birds human disease from, as my priority.
this showed me they've been identified as the species which holds (making them the carriers of, aswell) as being the actual origin of the source for, all three known base strains of human influenza.
i was concerned by this for the following reasons-
had to reconsider my ability to rule out potentially having my blood being poisoning from the bird blood in my system made me wonder if i'd directly caught some kind of human compatible(but not usually possible to encounter) strain of some disease

- but my real cause for what could be a more of a likely alert was
*my new found awareness of bird/human crossover compatibilities,
* combined with Morgellons seen by some who've studied it as holding the potential to be an epidemic,
*the fact that i learnt that a flu epidemic occurs every few yrs & was overdue
* when it occurs it is always new & more advanced than previously existing forms-ensuring no exact cure can be prepared before it hits

the fact that bird flu was a main suspect for an epidemic - though it's lingering presence suggests it will not be in this particular h5n1 but a further adapted variation again still (how i gather it to work that is).
& the fact that i definately got mine with birds being a significant factor that allowed for this to have had occured was getting me thinking about the possibility that Morgellons may be the next(& already overdue) epidemic. I couldn't discount this when i assessed my immediate impacts from received symptoms/badly affected areas (sinuse;throat;ears;lungs;chest) as the areas of choice to attack with the previously identified killer flu strains i'd felt i had to hold it as possible
that yes perhaps morgellons was the next epidemic yet this time instead of killing the newly invaded host instantly this had advanced to the stage of benefiting itself by now inhabiting long term their debilitated host. disenabling the host from using physical energy instead making them use cellular energy for reproducing more & more of itself-preventing needing a new host relativly quickly once the existing one can no longer survive /so dies as they do with the bird flu etc.Prolonging it's strength,success & existance overall.

i'd then learnt about the 1918 Spanish flu in a documentary & the trenches/disturbed soil/rain conditions appearing got me thinking once more about them all being related to some extent
continued when i can finish it-lots still left

Saturday, January 17, 2009

still going with sct.3

So although nanotec. &genetically modified enginireeing aswell as chemtrails bothered me enough to require further attention -due to the fact that i was still unable to discount the fact that the surrounding environments may have altered the mites(as if i'm basing everyone got this from them as i can be certain that's how i got mine) when i consider that mites must be everywhere and yet people only get this in specific zones by the general looks of it, so a mutation requirement might explain why this doesn't freely occur all over the place was still my thinking.So on my to do list was:-was a check on Calif. Flor, Qld & S.a for all crops that are identical types/strains & planted in common with eachother(found at all places) such as-wheat, corn (checked cotton because this can infest it easily [only one substance that's among lots of other things]) and whatever varieties they happened to share that were the same accross the range of areas i was to check to all the places i was comparing for matching farming conditions.my theory was to then manage to identify what chemicals were found in common to these soils spread throughout the designated land- utilised for crop growing without having to run any on site tests. once i had a list of the crops present at all, i could then go to sites on the local area based on agriculture/environment etc. to determine what chemicals/fertilizers/pesticides were used for each to see if they would also match up throughout the areas- creating the mix -& so is why begining in these places- which may be the contaminating ingredient enabling such a mutation to form with success. that was my first suspicion so i was still seeing as important & needed a look in my mind2nd Nanotechnology,gen.mod. chemtrails were also on the list to learn about gm & chemtrails may have some kind of possible association to my original personal theory so i desired to know more.but first since i was going with the birdmite-birds-migration for enabling the spread(if even needed to-if created by chemicals they may just be local but found in many areas) & birds being involved somehow(from my experience) & so on - i initially wanted to check this avenue out, leading me to have typed in -birds human disease from, as my priority.this showed me they've been identified as the species which holds (making them the carriers of, aswell) as being the actual origin of the source for, all three known base strains of human influenza.i was concerned by this for the following reasons-had to reconsider my ability to rule out potentially having my blood being poisoning from the bird blood in my system made me wonder if i'd directly caught some kind of human compatible(but not usually possible to encounter) strain of some disease- but my real cause for what could be a more of a likely alert was*my new found awareness of bird/human crossover compatibilities,* combined with Morgellons seen by some who've studied it as holding the potential to be an epidemic,*the fact that i learnt that a flu epidemic occurs every few yrs & was overdue* when it occurs it is always new & more advanced than previously existing forms-ensuring no exact cure can be prepared before it hitsthe fact that bird flu was a main suspect for an epidemic - though it's lingering presence suggests it will not be in this particular h5n1 but a further adapted variation again still (how i gather it to work that is).& the fact that i definately got mine with birds being a significant factor that allowed for this to have had occured was getting me thinking about the possibility that Morgellons may be the next(& already overdue) epidemic. I couldn't discount this when i assessed my immediate impacts from received symptoms/badly affected areas (sinuse;throat;ears;lungs;chest) as the areas of choice to attack with the previously identified killer flu strains i'd felt i had to hold it as possiblethat yes perhaps morgellons was the next epidemic yet this time instead of killing the newly invaded host instantly this had advanced to the stage of benefiting itself by now inhabiting long term their debilitated host. disenabling the host from using physical energy instead making them use cellular energy for reproducing more & more of itself-preventing needing a new host relativly quickly once the existing one can no longer survive /so dies as they do with the bird flu etc.Prolonging it's strength,success & existance overall.i'd then learnt about the 1918 Spanish flu in a documentary & the trenches/disturbed soil/rain conditions appearing got me thinking once more about them all being related to some extentcontinued when i can finish it-lots still left

After confirming migration to be the likely source for it having spread(if it needs to-meaning not created in the existing surrounding environment, since it was inflicted by mites) I was off again to go in search of a Dr who would listen. This time it was very different from the first(1st time as i said before i took notes-handed them to her saying can you please read this because it is what i've had for nearly 2yrs now,& had stayed silent due to thinking i was the only one it was happening to because it all seemed so impossibly ridiculous,but i've got to tell people now that i know there are others because i am certain it is from bird mites but no one else seems to even have a clue about the cause-then once she started reading it i cried uncontrollably just from the actual relief of finally being able to speak about my nightmare) I approached this so defeated already, initially i began by just pleading with him not to jump in telling me i'm crazy & please listen properly to what i really need to try to get through to people.Again i go on about the birdmite bites & have the chance to tell about the garden soil/water/chemical contaminaints etc. & how i (without being able to run tests obviously)suspect it may alter the mites properties to some degree which aids in this all being possible.Also of the fact bird migration seemed likely followed a distant 2nd by planes.It was here that he also thought i was mad (mid 06 we're in now)because after going through science topics i declared to him that nature provides all cures to all illness in the form of plants & that i agree herbal remedies are intelligent healing methods which are better for us & that you don't see each species of animal running around with their own drs because they use nature & their living environment to their benefit & that if something hasn't got a cure it's only because we haven't found it yet(okay so maybe a little nutty sounding but scine twice backed me up later on)He was great! Don't get me wrong-he thinks i'm crazy- told me so & labelled me as delusional parist..whatever the term is- but the difference between the two ways the doctors did this is that he would at least politely tell me so(after hearing me), along with offering any help that i would request(because he had no suggestions for me) & he gave me blood tests and tried to look up close(no microscope though!so no chance) & didn't tell me find someone else so i can respect that.So knowing i had the chance of help but that i had to know what help i needed 1st- i went to research further.Here was what i learned from birds:-(from the things gathered so far 2 things had stil bothered me the cause which had sparked my concern was not-not seeing the mites they were small enough to get away with-i was drawn to the fact that A( others had flooded soil in their gardens with contamianints) B)chemtrails were circling the whole pesticides/ fertilizer thing i was already focused towards
still knowing about mites i went off to type in human diseases (because i'd told my dr i'd prove to him i'm not crazy even though i might sound that way!) So while waiting for the blood test results, i 1st checked into:- human diseases from birds & immediately not only mentioned as possible future epidemics but for other vital reasons the H5N1 bird flu came up.I had then learned:
*All 3 strains, of the types of human influenza originate from birds (especially water birds)
to e very quick links 2 1918 span flu & so on thanks to trenches that i can't detail i learntcouln't identify certain strain thanksto gene sequencing that takes yrs i asked 4 tamiflu long story have to type whilr i'm able seemed sim,iliar -think distant cousin can't prove without lab confirmation but since epedemicoverdue i think this matches it won't bebird flu this is so much smarter by making the host live& therefore rproduce itself more efficintly.think span flu relative because symptoms are the same as mine but quicker & Most imporotanrly trenches were dug for the war disturbing previously existing organisms which were flooded - so i gather not only do i feel it's bird related but also trench/soil/chemical related yet again(can't to this day confirm dismiss anything since no lab) still can't finish this with links i've made-very frustrating impossible personh i'm living withbut will when i possiblycan

Friday, January 16, 2009


sect 3 cont. .

After confirming migration to be the likely source for it having spread(if it needs to-meaning not created in the existing surrounding environment, since it was inflicted by mites) I was off again to go in search of a Dr who would listen. This time it was very different from the first(1st time as i said before i took notes-handed them to her saying can you please read this because it is what i've had for nearly 2yrs now,& had stayed silent due to thinking i was the only one it was happening to because it all seemed so impossibly ridiculous,but i've got to tell people now that i know there are others because i am certain it is from bird mites but no one else seems to even have a clue about the cause-then once she started reading it i cried uncontrollably just from the actual relief of finally being able to speak about my nightmare) I approached this so defeated already, initially i began by just pleading with him not to jump in telling me i'm crazy & please listen properly to what i really need to try to get through to people.

Again i go on about the birdmite bites & have the chance to tell about the garden soil/water/chemical contaminaints etc. & how i (without being able to run tests obviously)suspect it may alter the mites properties to some degree which aids in this all being possible.Also of the fact bird migration seemed likely followed a distant 2nd by planes.It was here that he also thought i was mad (mid 06 we're in now)because after going through science topics i declared to him that nature provides all cures to all illness in the form of plants & that i agree herbal remedies are intelligent healing methods which are better for us & that you don't see each species of animal running around with their own drs because they use nature & their living environment to their benefit & that if something hasn't got a cure it's only because we haven't found it yet(okay so maybe a little nutty sounding but scine twice backed me up later on)He was great! Don't get me wrong-he thinks i'm crazy- told me so & labelled me as delusional parist..whatever the term is- but the difference between the two ways the doctors did this is that he would at least politely tell me so(after hearing me), along with offering any help that i would request(because he had no suggestions for me) & he gave me blood tests and tried to look up close(no microscope though!so no chance) & didn't tell me find someone else so i can respect that.
So knowing i had the chance of help but that i had to know what help i needed 1st- i went to research further.Here was what i learned from birds:-(from the things gathered so far 2 things had still bothered me the cause which had sparked my concern was not-not seeing the mites they were small enough to get away with-i was drawn to the fact that A( others had flooded soil in their gardens with contaminants) B)chemtrails were circling the whole pesticides/ fertilizer thing i was already focused towards still knowing about mites i went off to type in human diseases (because i'd told my dr i'd prove to him i'm not crazy even though i might sound that way!)

So while waiting for the blood test results, i 1st checked into:- human diseases from birds & immediately not only mentioned as possible future epidemics but for other vital reasons the H5N1 bird flu came up.I had then learned:*All 3 strains, of the types of human influenza originate from birds (especially water birds)

to be very quick links to 1918 spanish flu & so on thanks to trenches that i can't detail i learnt couldn't identify certain strain thanks to gene sequencing that takes yrs,- i asked 4 tamiflu, long story have to type while i'm able, seemed similiar -think distant cousin can't prove without lab confirmation but since epidemic overdue i think this matches it won't bebird flu this is so much smarter by making the host live& therefore reproduce itself more efficiently.think span flu relative because symptoms are the same as mine but quicker & Most importantly trenches were dug for the war disturbing previously existing organisms which were flooded - so i gather not only do i feel it's bird related but also trench/soil/chemical related yet again(can't to this day confirm dismiss anything since no lab) still can't finish this with links i've made-very frustrating impossible person i'm living with but will when i possibly can

after (Good,Respectable) Dr appointment:-

So although nanotechnology & genetically modified engineering -aswell as chemtrails, bothered me enough to require further attention -due to the fact that i was still unable to discount the fact that the surrounding environments may have altered the mites(as if i'm basing everyone got this from them as i can be certain that's how i got mine) when i consider that mites must be everywhere and yet people only get this in specific zones by the general looks of it, so a mutation requirement might explain why this doesn't freely occur all over the place was still my thinking. i am still wondering without confirmation ability if farms breed/grow/establish/create/give birth to this? it seems likely to me (perhaps very likely!!)

So on my to do list was:-

was a check on Calif.,Texas, Flor, Qld & S.A for all crops that are identical types/strains & planted in common with eachother(found at all places) such as-wheat, corn (checked cotton because this can infest it easily [only one substance that's among lots of other things]) and whatever varieties they all happened to share that were the same accross the range of areas i was to check to all the places i was comparing for matching farming conditions.

my theory was to then manage to identify what chemicals were found in common to these soils spread throughout the designated land- utilised for crop growing without having to run any on site tests. once i had a list of the crops present at all, i could then go to sites on the local area based on agriculture/livestock/environment etc. to determine what chemicals/fertilizers/pesticides were used for each to see if they would also match up throughout the areas- creating the delicate cocktail mix -& so is why begining in these places- which may be the contaminating ingredient enabling such a mutation to form with success. that was my first suspicion so i was still seeing as important & needed a look in my mind

2nd Nanotechnology,gen.modified engineering, chemtrails were also on the list to learn about gm & chemtrails may have some kind of possible association to my original personal theory so i desired to know more.

but first since i was going with the birdmite-birds-migration for enabling the spread(if even needed to-if created by chemicals they may just be local but found in many areas) & birds being involved somehow(from my experience) & so on - i initially wanted to check this avenue out, leading me to have typed in -birds human disease from, as my priority.this showed me they've been identified as the species which holds (making them the carriers of, aswell) as being the actual origin of the source for, all three known base strains of human influenza.

i was concerned by this for the following reasons-had to reconsider my ability to rule out potentially having my blood being poisoning from the bird blood in my system made me wonder if i'd directly caught some kind of human compatible(but not usually possible to encounter) strain of some disease- but my real cause for what could be a more of a likely alert was*my new found awareness of bird/human crossover compatibilities,* combined with Morgellons seen by some who've studied it as holding the potential to be an epidemic,*the fact that i learnt that a flu epidemic occurs every few yrs & was overdue* when it occurs it is always new & more advanced than previously existing forms-ensuring no exact cure can be prepared before it hits the fact that bird flu was a main suspect for an epidemic - though it's lingering presence suggests it will not be in this particular h5n1 but a further adapted variation again still (how i gather it to work that is).& the fact that i definately got mine with birds being a significant factor that allowed for this to have had occured was getting me thinking about the possibility that Morgellons may be the next(& already overdue) epidemic. I couldn't discount this when i assessed my immediate impacts from received symptoms/badly affected areas (sinuses;throat;ears;lungs;chest) as the areas of choice to attack with the previously identified killer flu strains
i'd felt i had to hold it as possible that yes perhaps morgellons was the next epidemic yet this time instead of killing the newly invaded host instantly this had advanced to the stage of benefiting itself by now inhabiting long term their debilitated host. disenabling the host from using physical energy instead making them use cellular energy for reproducing more & more of itself-preventing needing a new host relativly quickly once the existing one can no longer survive /so dies as they do with the bird flu etc. Prolonging it's strength, success & existance overall.
i'd then learnt about the 1918 Spanish flu in a documentary & the trenches/disturbed soil/rain conditions appearing got me thinking once more about them all being related to some extent continued when i can finish it-lots still left

Saturday, January 10, 2009

After this event i didn't know where i could turn.My frustration of thinking i was the only one enduring such madness, which had then turned into much appreciated relief upon learning there were others like me -soon made a turn to urgent desperation, now that i had, had my two tastes of how i would be received by the very medical community that we are expected to reach out to for help when we are in need -having then yet alternativly have them react with the refusal of help & leaving me with no doctor at all, just with the instructions to seek a new one, making me more than just a little concerned about who i could tell that would believe me so research into this can commence straight away.What i had already personally theorised as being the entire factors within which added up to the cause that manifestered into the strangeness before awareness of others was established had been this:-I considered it to be a mixture of the co-insiding elements present at the time that i was bitten.I had figured this was produced from a blend of a) having glandular fever in my system b) having a comprimised immunity, c) the soil (which contains many types of live bacteria etc.) when upon being flooded, had allowed for all of the existing contaminaints that had previously settled (such as the pesticides, fertilizers, weed killer & so fourth) to be brought to the surface - creating a pool, filled with not clean, but polluted water, that is containing this entire toxic concocgtion. On top of the usual living bacteria/viruses /other organisms, and the remaining types regular build ups - which are the general contents that make up the normal properties found within soil. So that when - d) the birds had bathed i this, had ended up aiding the mites in achieving an adaptive mutation via these unusual variances not found in their natural occupied environment.I assumed that i must have gotten blood poisoning from both *the infection caused by the bird mites themselves, aswell as * the Starlings blood (already inside the mites from consumption) had been distributed throughout my bloodstream from getting bitten all over, circulating to all my vital organs, eventually succeeding in taking my assigned cellular functions hostage & manipulating them to instead focus on reproducing this invader by the masses because my body was unable to present any resistance since it was already busy defending my body while also attacking the glandular fever which had been dominating my system for some time already leading up to this event.I had assumed that when experienced simultaneously, all of the above had then given the bird mites this destructive ability whereby the bites from them were empowered to have caused my intense pain,debilitation,fatigue -also accompanied by so many other terrible reactions i had begun experiencing uncontrollably like my hair dropping out & the deformity my body has suffered from the internal sewing up of my hair etc..Now having learnt of others, straight away without any hestitaion, i could cancel out Glandular fever as being a required contributing factor for this to be initiated- that was simple- no way would everyone have had this when bitten obviously so it was eliminated without further consideration in my mind .So next, my only idea (now that i realised the extent of the problem, being that it wasn't a nearly impossible condition to create - as had been shown by the multiple recipients of these baffling symptoms & the widespread affected areas where this had been recorded - which is what i had 1st rationalised to myself as how such a thing could even manage to be happening to me) -was to simply resort to typing in - cure/help for morgellons, on the net to see if i could find anything recommended to help treat myself with, that others may have been using to ease their bodies.When this heading was typed, it recovered a site filled with suggestions based on remedies people with this, had trialled - stating which worked, which didn't, aswell as their own recollections of when this had originally happened to them.
Obviously with no cure available,- before i did anything else, i went ahead and did what i was also there needing to do- which was try & find a Doctor who would hear me out & give me (or at least help me find) any useful ways to lessen the destruction my body was battling. Aware of Drs existing in the USA who accept the reality surrounding this infliction, i had posted a question asking if there were any Australians out there reading this who knew of any doctors, who had been of any help. Again the foolish naivity of mine maintained hope that surely it wouldn't be too hard to get through to a person who works in this field, if i could find one who would not immediately judge everything without waiting for any of the facts- if there was someone who would just give me a fair & unbiast chance -by way of simply listening carefully & taking seriously what i had to reveal to them.

i then decided to briefly look into the personal experiences which had been posted on this same site (i only did this on the one site) to check for any similarities to my circumstances, in them & to see if anyone at all had a clue that bird mites did this just like i had been positivly able to conclude.I informed them that i without question got mine from birdmites but also mentioned (just as i've also made sure you know about ) how there was a flooded garden & the soils' contaminants, & how this was caused by water bursting out of a main stormwater pipe that runs through it which had been broken recently from the tree stump removal.I established that -* no-one saw any bird mites/nor knew of being bitten by them* there had been more than one instance with a newly ruptured pipe causing flooded soil in other individuals gardens, at the corresponding time of bites first appearing for them *& that others suspected chemtrails being sprayed on crops, aswell as nanotechnology to be major suspects .With this, from here i :-Should say first that i will later find myself doing this Needlessly, but at the time my concern for humans was indeed great enough to feel obligated to act -so my research began- i felt i had to check to be sure of anything & everything & then try & manage to develop a complete layout of all the components that are essential contributors to the cause of this illness being made possible.So i sifted through alternatives i thought could have mutated the mites.I had not yet learned that they already possess this ability on their own. I'll elaborate on them towards the end -i am including details, in the same order, that i had gained the knowledge in along the way.
This may confuse you but here goes.
Since this is seemingly extremely rare in Australia(personally i have only tracked down 1 on a forum in Qld & one on a radio show Rense i think it was called from Vic & me from Sa-3 of us but varied enough & situated importantly enough to say a few things to me {mentioned along with what i considered as relevance later in section}) Rather than be left made to feel even more confused & isolated by living in a country where this is not only a rare occurance-but also is obviously very distant to where the country is which harbours the majority of case numbers aswell as the 1st reported/recorded case, i had instead felt, i saw an opportunity for confirmation -as i applied all the issues of my own personal experience which bothered me still -not just for whether or not scientifically able to be part of the equation but i decided to also look if present at each of these countries' different locations aswell,based on the fact that australians are the minority group of sufferers & halfway across the world in distance from America(also it having such great numbers in comparison to here )surely to some degree should mean which when based on the fact i can't access any labs for testing, seemed like a decent enough method for separating the useful bits of my research, from the found to be irrelevant ones, as a personal guide -then of course, once all found matters of concern, were established, they could be investigated in depth easily -thanks to the internets infinate knowledge on everything,being contained within easy access making this possible to do without too much drama.

As stated earlier why i had developed it, the method i chose to use for the purpose of determining any point of reference was to check if each factor i was considering as being -in any possible way, able to contribute some kind( -regardless of how little the chance may have actually been), of type of input towards the cause, to see if it had been common to all of the areas reported to be mainly affected within the USA (California & Florida certainly were used for comparison in this process as important ones for me to refer to based on having read that they are problem areas in my initial brief overlook) & if i'd found them to be present in those areas i would then move on to checking out Australias' 3 only known affected states(at least to me that is all i know of, so it's certainly the minimum amount anyway & just enough to have ensured they suit the purpose of my needs) & compare those few & far between, uncommonly affected areas, for the same "link" i was researching at that moment- which had passed so far by being connected to those American regions with the high case numbers. so if the matter of interest could also be found in the 3 Aust. locations (will note that i had allowed for some factors to be seen only in qld{& the USA of course) that i would still classify as noteworthy regardless, egs would have been types of crops,flooding,whereabouts of pesticide usage if i had not managed to find proof of use in Sa & Vic {which didn't end up being an issue anyway} since considering that even though something may be traced as only origin of use was Qld it was still probable that the runoff effect of the rivers which flow southbound until reaching[& bringing with it whatever organisms/substances it contained] that it could still end up in the other 2 states-whose water is supplied from the same river which begins in Queensland{a state renowned for floods,extreme weather conditions,that is also home to a large amount of this countries crops,livestock farms are everywhere-will put here that about 4yrs ago several thousand chickens had to be immediatly destroyed.the cull was ordered due to a fatal unidentifiable illness which was spreading amongst them all rapidly-the government also ordered everything to be burned in massive bon fires,then steralised & re-tested to ensure the environment was clean free of any kinds of disease.}
So back to my point again -being that it's one thing to find all factors to be present in America-since it seemingly began there & has the biggest amount of cases but when Australias isolated rare incidences also hold a direct match to them,it works as the extra backup for me which tops it all off. so what i'd concluded was compare to both regions 1st America to check if existed there,then would check Australia-
Then if i had been successful in matching those ones aswell, i would rate it as a factor worth proper investigating -Sadly , & unfortunatly for me though investigating the specifics of this is something that of course is of the nature that requires a laboratory while being done by those in the field who can access the resources & possess the ability to carry out the ideal tests, which then would ultimately be able to establish in conclusion with accompaning necessary evidence whether or not significance applies in terms of each individual item of issue on the agenda.(which is why,later on after i checked up on everything properly i had ended up sending my findings via email to people who i considered potentially helpful if with maybe even the slightest i could get them to believe me{i would write the details in depth so they could fully comprehend my assessment & review the proof i showed}that was close to 2 years ago now so i think it's safe to say not one of the people associated in any way of potential use who i'd expressed my concerns to took me seriously! )

The part where i began to focus my initial attentions logically had been towards what was on the list of suspects i could narrow down as likely to be cause for possible transmission, having recalled from when i'd found morgellons was inflicted on others apart from only me as i'd asssumed, & so had read their overall outlay of the condition, which acknowledged that no scientist/researcher had as yet encountered an agent reponsible for the disease no matter how much they'd tried,so therefore remaining unattainable until then, is also the common source of transmission-it had (nor could) not even be established without the other factor being known to them first .Again for me-it was just as easy as basing it on my own personal encounter which had been such a dramatic experience since there where overwhelming numbers of birdmites-unlike the researches-having the reasons being that where for them as yet no organism has been isolated as the responsible agent which could then be correctly identified for absolute certainty that it was indeed the one of interest they'd been looking for - i had my biting experience to show for certain the birdmites were to blame so theres the agent uncovered, which meant that next -as for being the answer for it's transmission also was then quite obvious to me.

1st Bird Migration was top of my list as a possible route of overseas transmission. I could already tell this effortlessly, thanks to my mites- from birds- which fly huge distances etc...showing that clearly, it didn't need planes which i'd also been regarding as likely, yet i still held them as another important resource which i'd first thought to be an intelligent assumption to make as having close to being equal probability for spreading this as migration itself did- i changed my view on this very quickly, i personally found it easily able to be dropped off the major concern as possibility options -as i found a simple test to apply to my circumstances. i reconsidered the high importance of planes down to just another potential contributor(i learned it was not a massive player in this )which may assist towards the spread over regions(still seem capable to transmitt this but not needed to /or the main way as i'd been wondering about).
this was simply what
I'd concluded by noting:- a) having learnt about majority of victims in America, b)yet found other sufferers here in Australia in 3 seperate states - NONE of which were in New South Wales- the state where the nations busiest/largest airport is situated - & is our countries' main international gateway- so if it had bypassed this entire area successfully it wasn't specialising in spreading itself via humans travelling on planes(or at least not just strictly limited to using this method exclusivly) they already had an alternative means for this. c) & since they were bird mites that did this to me & birds migrate seasonally over incredible distances then it more then stands to reason that migration was the enabler for endless cases to develop worldwide(or at best-instead of worldwide-be contained to only where the particular species that carry the mites, migrate to) so i went & learned various information based around this topic-since i was now satisfied of this as the transmission route taken most commonly by these mites (that carried this conditions enabling properties already within them) & that it was a great deal more efficient than plane travel so, though not disregarding planes/luggage impact, i still felt safe if i left it there without going further into it.Which took me back in the direction where i was going to begin migration research when i'd then learned a disturbingly scary fact about birds & there link with humans.

What i've learned about birds is:-

Friday, January 9, 2009


After this event i didn't know where i could turn.
My frustration of thinking i was the only one enduring such madness, which had then turned into much appreciated relief upon learning there were others like me -soon made a turn to urgent desperation, now that i had, had my two tastes of how i would be received by the very medical community that we are expected to reach out to for help when we are in need -having then yet alternativly have them react with the refusal of help & leaving me with no doctor at all, just with the instructions to seek a new one, making me more than just a little concerned about who i could tell that would believe me so research into this can commence straight away.
What i had already personally theorised as being the entire factors within which added up to the cause that manifestered into the strangeness before awareness of others was established had been this:-
I considered it to be a mixture of the co-insiding elements present at the time that i was bitten.I had figured this was produced from a blend of a) having glandular fever in my system b) having a comprimised immunity, c) the soil (which contains many types of live bacteria etc.) when upon being flooded, had allowed for all of the existing contaminaints that had previously settled (such as the pesticides, fertilizers, weed killer & so fourth) to be brought to the surface - creating a pool, filled with not clean, but polluted water, that is containing this entire toxic concocgtion. On top of the usual living bacteria/viruses /other organisms, and the remaining types regular build ups - which are the general contents that make up the normal properties found within soil. So that when - d) the birds had bathed i this, had ended up aiding the mites in achieving an adaptive mutation via these unusual variances not found in their natural occupied environment.
I assumed that i must have gotten blood poisoning from both *the infection caused by the bird mites themselves, aswell as * the Starlings blood (already inside the mites from consumption) had been distributed throughout my bloodstream from getting bitten all over, circulating to all my vital organs, eventually succeeding in taking my assigned cellular functions hostage & manipulating them to instead focus on reproducing this invader by the masses because my body was unable to present any resistance since it was already busy defending my body while also attacking the glandular fever which had been dominating my system for some time already leading up to this event.
I had assumed that when experienced simultaneously, all of the above had then given the bird mites this destructive ability whereby the bites from them were empowered to have caused my intense pain,debilitation,fatigue -also accompanied by so many other terrible reactions i had begun experiencing uncontrollably like my hair dropping out & the deformity my body has suffered from the internal sewing up of my hair etc..
Now having learnt of others, straight away without any hestitaion, i could cancel out Glandular fever as being a required contributing factor for this to be initiated- that was simple- no way would everyone have had this when bitten obviously so it was eliminated without further consideration in my mind .

So next, my only idea (now that i realised the extent of the problem, being that it wasn't a nearly impossible condition to create - as had been shown by the multiple recipients of these baffling symptoms & the widespread affected areas where this had been recorded - which is what i had 1st rationalised to myself as how such a thing could even manage to be happening to me) -was to simply resort to typing in - cure/help for morgellons, on the net to see if i could find anything recommended to help treat myself with, that others may have been using to ease their bodies.When this heading was typed, it recovered a site filled with suggestions based on remedies people with this, had trialled - stating which worked, which didn't, aswell as their own recollections of when this had originally happened to them.
Obviously with no cure available, i then decided to briefly look into the personal experiences which had been posted on this same site (i only did this on the one site) to check for any similarities to my circumstances, in them & to see if anyone at all had a clue that bird mites did this just like i had been positivly able to conclude.
I informed them that i without question got mine from birdmites but also mentioned (just as i've also made sure you know about ) how there was a flooded garden & the soils' contaminants, & how this was caused by water bursting out of a main stormwater pipe that runs through it which had been broken recently from the tree stump removal.
I established that -
* no-one saw any bird mites/nor knew of being bitten by them
* there had been more than one instance with a newly ruptured pipe causing flooded soil in other individuals gardens, at the corresponding time of bites first appearing for them
*& that others suspected chemtrails being sprayed on crops, aswell as nanotechnology to be major suspects .
With this, from here i :-

Should say first that i will later find myself doing this Needlessly, but at the time my concern for humans was indeed great enough to feel obligated to act -so my reseach began- i felt i had to check to be sure of anything & everything & then try & manage to develop a complete layout of all the components that are essential contributors to the cause of this illness being made possible.
So i sifted through alternatives i thought could have mutated the mites.I had not yet learned that they already possess this ability on their own. I'll elaborate on them towards the end -i am including details, in the same order, that i had gained the knowledge in along the way.
This may confuse you but here goes
1st Bird Migration was top of my list as a possible route of overseas transmission. I could already tell that clearly, it didn't need planes-i concluded this by noting:- a) having learnt about majority of victims in America, b)yet found other sufferers here in Australia in 3 seperate states - NONE of which were in New South Wales- the state where the nations busiest/largest airport is situated - & is our countries' main international gateway- so if it had bypassed this entire area successfully it wasn't specialising in spreading itself via humans travelling on planes(or at least not just strictly limited to using this method exclusivly) they already had an alternative means for this. c) & since they were bird mites that did this to me & birds migrate seasonally over incredible distances then it more then stands to reason that migration was the enabler for endless cases to develop worldwide(or at best-be contained to only where the particular species that carry the mites, migrate to) so i learned various information based around this topic.

Which took me in the direction where i then learned a disturbingly scary fact about birds & there link with humans.2 b continued soon

My personal extras

Visual signs (i'm adding this again not for approval or to seek people to believe me-[opinions of others have proven insignificant] it's to assist with any research which may at some time develop.)
Since aquiring morg(from bird mites) i have at some stage experienced all the general symptoms aswell as my extra previously mentioned ones. As far as the mites & the fibres were concerned- i had felt them to only be affecting me internally by this stage (4 yrs into it) due to not having exposed sores, no sensations on my skin & very few fibres in comparison to past numbers- & i definately hadn't seen them again in masses only two tiny clear/white baby ones about 2yrs since getting bites.Yet, just when spring came around my skin ruptured in patches -the same way my sewn hair does when it's surfaced & ready to unwind.It finishes as a pimple looking thing-but certainly doesn't feel like one at the spot, yet instead of unsewing -this was intensly itchy & felt very raw to me,so i grabbed my eyeclops bionic eye electromagnetic microscope 200x mag. plugged into a large screen digital tv & took a look.I have found fibres woven into my skin are back and plentiful & this time i found what i hadn't seen since 04(exception of 2 baby clear ones) yes i saw the mites! they are not the size of what the original ones were(a little bit smaller & lighter in colour) but perhaps were young ones. I couldn't believe that they were there because ever since being bitten initially, i have only felt them inside my body not on the surface, my head sinuses,nose,mouth(including eeth),ears(1st to have happen following throat & are really bad),eyes,neck,throat,shoulders are the worst areas which have been taken over-lungs aren't far behind nor one other place.So i couldn't expect to find what i absolutely did find-only once though-& i did not mistake nor imagine- i sighted a mite- better yet there was a fibre attached to it.It was a light pink one & was located exactly central to it's body on the top & about a third of it's body length down from it's head end just like where a whales blowhole is. This was at one end & the other end was inserted within my skin. the fibre looked to be roughly 3 times the mites length & even though there was excess fibre length between the mite and the distance it was away from the fixed end- the fibre didn't lag,instead had arched the remaining length (in the shape of a rainbow way) upwards rather than settling down flat like i would have expected - as if for eg a piece of rope would flop if it was longer than the 2 points it was bound at-yet it was like what would be the case if you had a wire coathanger longer than the 2 points it was fixed to & you bent (arched)it upwards as i said like a rainbow.Is it rigid or what i haven't a clue,i don't even know if it's a breathing device(even though it shouldn't need one-maybe when it's tunnelling it does?) or equivilant to a bungee cord & uses it to keep the originalspot already chosen as home so it doesn't lose it's bearings whilst out egg laying perhaps? I forgot to say it would appear they have surfaced to lay eggs- i also found clear bubble type of sack which with my elecmicroscope i could see in detail a clear mite practically ready to hatch by the look of the form it's body had already grown into.I also think this because spring/summer was not only when i was initially bitten but also the time of year my body goes through it's worst,so when i actually saw the mites this year (08) things made sense as to why i was hit particularily hard during these periods without fail. I had also seen one with it's head end already buried & it's back half still above the surface. I found empty bodies & was happy-thinking they were dead, only to learn days later that mites shed their shellcase as they grow(although was deflating)-this is which now explains why on most occasions there was another living mite close by them.
Out of all this season of looking - a total of one only , had a fibre connected to it (the fibres are normally attached to my skin with no mite in sight vice versa being the mites are usually without fibres) All other mites were (as what i'd known as normal for them) without fibre connections.
While discussing fibres i'll note - only the blue/dark & light/white fibres are found on me in bundles. The red/pink/white only ever on top as a single strand, sewn in or partiallt attached - never balled or wrapped around my hair strands which is what the dark blue ones do- they appear like the stingers on a blue bottle-same colour & even looks the same substance it's made from (& same shape/ texture). These coilk & curl, tightly secured to any selected strand (this prevents me having my imposter hair tied up too long becasuse my brain signals start to short circuit (is the best way i can describe the disorientating pain & feelings associated with this). The blue also lay on the surface & particially sew. I get crystal type of jewel looking things in assorted bright colours-light blue, emerald green,creaming soda coloured red,purple, & orange shaped like gems- Also the blue bottle ressemblance strikes again, - instead of the stingers, these look like the top blue bottle bit but of course smaller & lay with other fibres (of another appearance) on my skin- these found on shoulders,chin,cheeks (just like the mites are).
Every single one of these things could be seen by a dr but no one has shown any interest to even check.Just as (although bizarre sounding) my hair could be unwound by another person demonstrating my sewn up nightmare, yet again still, no one has given me the opportunity.
So for the record i really do feel certain that bird mites cause what is known as morgellons it's that plain, simple & scary & it is being wrongfully ignored by so called medical professionals whom of which our lives are in their hands- not really a good thing for any of us clearly (if you happen to get sick sometime in your life that is).
Summing up i have not even so much as mentioned the personal devastation & suffering within my life/social circumstances nor the rest of what can easily be labelled as unbelievable (due to outrageous occurances)which i have also endured - as if the illness alone isn't bad enough as it is, since it wouldn't help cure anyone but people should bare in mind whole lives in every aspect can & are being destroyed irrepairably by this terrible fate - clearly society needs a restoration of humanity -nothing like this should ever occur to fellow people.

to close

So if the cdc fail to succeed than hopefully a medical scientist will stumble along one day who finds this to be of at least some use, so bothers to investigate/research all factors of bird mites dramatic & devastating impact on the human body so there can be efforts to end what has already been left far too late to address.
As for me if i die before i'm looked at & tested where i'm sewn will more than likely no longer be connecting due to electromagnetism which accompanies life frequency hence needing life energy to work.so when i cease i can only assume so will the abnormal connectionsthis makes throughout my body.this reason is especially why for me personally i am desperate for progress to be made at once.
Bad news is though- companies don't like to produce new medicines at their own expense & time when could instead produce or improve existing medications & be supported-guarenteed to make money that way rather than it being lost.

Final section

FINAL SECTION:- Another fantastic find when i typed in Morgellons research. Dr R. Wymore is currently researching this condition & i think was with the cdc but has now serparated (fairly sure it was them if not some other research team which anyone can look up for themselves for certainty). Seeing as Morg patients have commonly been testing positive for lymes disease (not just this other factors were stated by basically the point is-)he is Certain the cause of morg is DIRECTLY related to the ticks which create lyme disease but has so far been unable to establish which one!!.
Obviously since:-being bitten,finding others with same weirdness,facts known that insects etc deform keratin,others being aware of bird mites & their destruction on the human body due to infestations, and on & on aswell as learning about bird mites classification with ticks, then clearly there is no mystery here!
birdmites are a direct relative of -ticks which cause lyme,lyme related to morg, Dr Wymore found for certain it's definately related to the lyme spreading tick & most importantly i was biten for sure by bird mites & went on to produce symptoms which are identical to morgs.
Undoubtedly my set conclusion is that bird mites are responsible for morgellons!!
waiting for a lab to assist with this thought.

from five

SECTION SIX:- Since finding keratin (hair skin & nails in my case) to be affected by insect bites & that baldness was a side effect from this i finally decided to look up bird mite classifications & was astonished to discover they are Parastic mites which are capapble not only of spreading illness from themselves directly but also house parasites which spread in the system of the host once bitten. They are one of three in this category another being the tick cause of Lyme Disease which affects humans & that most morgellons patients who are fortunate enough to receive tests return as positive for!Now my wondering really is overbird mites must be the culprit.

So this of course now makes me (still Dec 08) type in Bird mites & morgellons research

This is when my heart really starts pumping. What came up were 3 more hugely important confirmations.In the order i encountered them;- 1st the page gave an article stating exactly this by a random person that bird mites cause morgellons & reasons of value to support this claim.As you realise this entire thing is too odd in all ways for this to be a mere coincidence.i for one am personally eased of much tension finding that someone else is aware of this - it gives purpose to believe we have hope of conquering this.oneday someone will help us.
Secondly:- A site named BirdMiteOrg. (well worth a look)appeared (this could have given me the peace i now have a lot lot earlier)this has been around since 2003 apparently and dec 08 is when i find it! none the less i am still very pleased to have found it without doubt it has majorly relieved me because not only does it show There are many who can tell of their own encounters with bm's & even also ones like myself who are longstanding & now recognise having made the connection that they have morgellons from bird mites(this is where i'll claim that although maybe also due to longstanding it may also have to do with the amount of bites/mites one received as to the extent of the damage incurred this justifies why some people can still work-didn't bald,aren't housebound or suffering my weirdo hair issue & why perhaps they didn't notice the mites due to scarce amount on them). Again cannot be a coincidence people have linked them- not possible who could just match up everything they themselves have lived with & it not be real or caused by this?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

continued from four

SECTION FIVE:- I learned another significant point surrounding a major reason for critism referring to morg suf. saying they are bitten all over their bodies by something(as i've said what i think is bird mites) & no one else in the house does so they are not believed.For the question why you & not me (in my personal case he got them off himself i was attacked while asleep & so initially he wasn't bitten only i am there target now for what i assume is the same reason as follows) A clinical medicine book cleared this one up for me.It stated that it is not uncommon for only one member of a household to fall victim to becoming a host for anthropod/insect etc bites. I am assuming this would be for the same reason you learn about in nature shows, that once (in this particular case the mites) have found a living host it has no reason to leave it unless it dies so can no longer provide them with their living requirements.Also depending on the organism they send certain either vibrational frequencies / or pheromones as their way to communciate to all the others.Just think with ants you see a trail heading towards a food source in a straight line formation-none stray to search elsewhere because other ants are already calling out to them 'food over here' until they all arrive for their portion to claim for transportation.When they have food they stick to that particular source.Dare i suggest the intial bite victim reflects the desirable frequency for mites to gather round? & they don't jump just crawl so direct contact would have to be made & they would not be receiving tempting signals anyhow.


SECTION FOUR:- we've reached the end of 2008 now & i find that the worst aspect i suffer through (which as yet haven't found others either who are going through this extent of the condition so don't know if anyone can understand what i'm trying to get across) which is the whole sewn up abnormally hair/skin & nail thing are all made from the exact same substance -Keratin [incredibly once more this was also revealed to me from a tv programme,this time it was one for children!! it's the 2nd time something i had been endlessly complaining about but had never actually looked up came to my attention thanks to being in the right place at the right time (obviously something i haven't made a habit of in the past or i never would have been bitten!)]Better still when i typed it in & found the keratin website i was overcome when i found clearly listed as an already known proven fact that insect bites do indeed cause sudden balding & can mutate the keratin supplies needed for proper growth of skin/hair/nails by altering demosomes or something i think (feel free to check up for exact technicalities-i didn't need to grasp everything on this topic for i already had been given confirmation that all that is happening to me is YES possible & YES thanks to bird mite bites.)Also more back-up about hair & wrong growing/texture/looking aswell as granuales like i get being associated with a secondary fungus or bacterial infection which invades the skin & so much more but you get the basics i'm sure.
Will also add here gm engineering has been suspected by some & i had read that they thought morg (bugs they say but its a mite) bug has been altered & injected with the fluorecence of a jellyfish enabling them to be viewed under uv light glowing yellow-Since keratin taught me about skin diseases/conditions i went on to learn that in fact a woodlamp was the most common diagnostic tool for fungus/bacteria present due to most types glowing under uv however since most common found form has changed from these yellow glowing types in recent times it is not so highly depended upon(some glow other colours like orange not morgellons though).
So to me again i don't see it as gm engineering but further proof all of us sufferers have had & still have our skin under attack by parasites etc. I figure it to be (without access to any lab of course) as a secondary parasite that infected us upon mite bites(but not ruling out just from mites without them being a carrier for other diseases) just see this as reasonable to hypothesise.

While i'm at it i shall mention this aswell. My issues with being sewn up internally from head to toe literally have what feels as if to be an electromagnetic force which connects each pore/follicle that it touches to me head & elsewhere to the strongest pull- again may sound too strange to interpret but i am unable to walk any kind of distance because my knees&calves both start tspasming & again i get this magnectic pull forcing my legs to collapse-unable to maintain my body weight & the elecmag. pull has even stopped me from being able to sleep on magnetic underlays as i become stuck so to speak to the with this electromagnetic issue (which has led me to be curious about EMF harmonisers or neutralisers to help 1st only for it to maybe stop my hair issues but now in 08 having found live mites again maybe to override their frequency signals aswell as boost my bodies natural one) & it's what is always choking my throat to the point of vomiting if not unsewn promptly enough. The bit i was glad to learn in this case is a)our bodies are filled with electricity(at 1st i would get zapped with everything i touched but now has stopped & i get elecmag thing in it's place) b) when i unsew i am sometimes able to unwind my hair directly through the clothes i'm wearing & i've read electromagnetic heat therapy or something equivilent to this name possesses elecmagn. forces that penetrate not just through skin but clothes plaster etc to reach deep tissue & so on- bringing me peace again that although no one else may understand this but more of my worst & crazy sounding symptoms were technically able to occur and are all linked up together - of course i am aware that i have been telling the absolute truth but i hadn't been aware that the connection with my symptoms was spot on - thanks to having to do all this for myself the hard way it has sadly taken me this long.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

continued from sect one

SECOND SECTION:- This relief came in July 2006 while sitting up at about 4 in the morning due to the impact of the ongoing effects my body endures.When to the greastest joy i could recall having been filled with in a long time, i saw on the American news(i'm Australian i should note so nov & dec is spring / summer) a segment about 'The Fibre Disease'. It was the very same perculiar occurance i'd been pulling out & monitoring- & it was also going on with others! This was the most exciting thing for me as it showed i wasn't the only one in the world with this -so although having known from the start that these bizarre symptoms commenced simultaneously with having been bitten -i could now disregard having glandular fever/compromised immunity & the rest of the factors present all at once as a requirement for this to be able to occur , i could now be sure that the only prerequisition were the mites alone.They are capable of this just as they are already.So even though the people claiming to have morgellons were labelled as crazy because it was seen to have no apparent obvious cause -i still couldn't contain my excitment of finally being able to visit a dr & burst out all the facts of what was happening to my body(& due to which had effectively ended my life with compliments from the extreme debilitation which accompanies this in my particular case) without having to feel like a total fool.
I was stupid enough to think that something would be done.Once hearing about the mites i thought dr would tell some kind of authoritive medical board or sorts ,making research ,answers to all sufferers questions & a search for the cure possible!
I went on the internet for the first time since we'd had it, to get info to make explaining the weird effects easier & to find what tests could be done - i thought letting the dr read the symptoms & see the images was a less complicated way of informing them about everything (which is why this is where i will request you do the same to save me re-writing them here.I experience identical symptoms to what are listed aswell as the extra parts of hair dropping out & the internal sewing. my symptoms common to Morg are now periodic & alternate at times reasons for which i learned later so are mentioned at the end. I classify the differing severity between cases as being the same outcome as would be if say you were bitten by a venomous snake-if you received a small amount of the toxin injected in your bloodstream the effects [although still definately bad]wouldn't be as drastic as they would have been, had you received a large amount, or similarly if you were bitten by 1 spider you'd get ill, if instead you find yourself bitten by several at once then it is assured your physical health will deteriorate at a greater capacity-leaving you with the same affliction with varying extremes just as with morgellons).

So after the dr looked at the pages i'd assumed i'd have the chance to add any necessary details aswell as showing my identical bites/fibres to this Morgellons condition & most importantly reveal that indeed Birdmites are responsible (i had already lost a dog who was bitten & at this time i also was still concerned about contagion levels being that since initially being bitten i could no longer feel or see the mites on the surface of my body just within- yet when i got pet birds & only after being handled by me they one by one became ill{only the ones i touched} & were gasping and weakened with breathing/mobility problems before dying i wondered if it was transferred through the air or by touch & a new dog we got afterwards also began showing the signs in its fur/paws ,claws sewn up, which made me concerned that maybe fluid transferral would pass it on because this dog had a habit of drinking the other ones urine- yet in 2008 spring summer i saw the mites rise to the surface of my skin again so i now gather the dogs are still carrying them aswell , so just them laying on eachother is enough to manage a transfer by them crawling from one to the other like with headlice)

Anyway back to my boundless naivity & unlimited faith(at the time only- i now see what a disgrace it's representitives truly are) in the medical/health system of today i attempted to share my side of things yet didn't even come close to to getting checked with a microscope or any other examination-certainly no chance to be properly heard - i was instead refused treatment, told to find another dr & had the drs who assess mental illness sent to my home-i won't even get into the unacceptable,rough,rude & not at all qualifying as professional treatment i was given by them.All this even though never in my life have i gone to the dr without it being necessary.Generally whenever i've been sick i've dealt with it,i don't even pop headache tablets instead preferring to let my body manage with it's natural devices,let alone run to the dr for each & every little issue-so why suddenly would i start & since i'd had this since late 04 & i was only seeking medical assistance in July 06 due to establishing i am not the only individual this has happened to(which had been my reason for finally speaking up & tell about bird mites)I had felt obligated to inform the appropriate people so they could act. Yet i got what i got & Amazingly if any one of these drs bothered to ask they would have happily been given a number of witnesses to all of the following:-mites,bites,complete baldness (won't bother adding the most obvious change since bites being i have become permanently ugly due to body & hair being sewn & deformed beyond my control)These odd things are the complete truthful reality i've been forced to cope with, which has turned me into a pathetic joke which is beyond my ability to repair.
SECTION THREE:- what i did next including research etc. this is when it happened but i will write it at the end due to more important things i need to get out first.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Are Birdmites responsible for Morgellons?

If i had to give an answer to the above question it would have to be yes.

To begin it's best i state my reasons for writing this in the first place -currently the Centre For Disease Control (cdc) is nearing the end of an investigation which is in regards to a condition known by sufferers as Morgellons and named Unexplained Dermopathy by the cdc.This is a condition that all who endure it are still being wrongly labelled as delusional.

Although complaints associated with these unbearable symptoms began quite some time ago- this investigation by the cdc is the first official attempt to seek answers and a cause to what nearly everybody sees as a mystery. However i am in a position where i don't need to try to find the cause - it undenyably found me. Explanations will soon follow so you can decide for yourselves if my conclusions are correct.

Right now though, i will make clear that i don't particularly consider any success to be likely to result from the cdc - due to an early apparent leak in which a source claimed they weren't actually going to create a new and applicable study-instead they are just using an old syphlus one from yrs ago to get it over with so the pressure (which they had been receiving from congress in relation to this matter [being due to public insistance]) would be off their back. As great as my desire is to honestly believe this scenario(or even a similar one) would be totally impossible- when i take into account how my high regards for doctors had already been severely misplaced, i'm left feeling like perhaps it's not a bad idea to share my personal experience & other discoveries.

Creating further concern is the fact that i am certain Bird Mites are indeed responsible for this ignored illness. This being the case, i suggest a quick look through medical history - you'll discover insect/anthropod etc borne infectious diseases have proven to be a nightmare for the scientists trying to prove them and create public awareness. They'd been labelled as insane, had their career/ respectable reputations disgraced, lost all honour (Undeservingly keep in mind) also as i recall at least one had to go so far as to willingly be bitten by an infected mozzie allowing for him to once and for all display his theories as true - so naturally no scientist in the medical field would be willing to even attempt any research at such great risk.Other problems are those who study insects/ticks/mites etc. only study the insects themselves, not their effect on humans and drs who treat humans don't study insects etc nor any parasites/viruses/diseases transmitted or even caused by them-they only go from their medical book, so if it's not in there- regardless of what you may be suffering from- then they will conclude that you simply don't have it.In the case of Morgellons victims being classified as delusional they(including myself)haven't even been thouroughly examined.Delusion is supposed to be a diagnosis of elimination- if every available test is done and the results are clear THEN and only then should delusion be referred to.So if i can sit at home with a childs toy & lge screen digital tv(eyeclops bionic eye electromicroscope 200x magnification.) and find the proof, how any dr- none of who have so much as even checked - go straight for crazy?(that's not even mentioning the many witnesses i had to these mites, bites & baldness i'll elaborate soon) yet that is what is continually happening to morgellons sufferers, when every human should be able to go to the dr for HELP i cannot rest with how wrong this is, especially when i'm aware of the debilitation, pain, embarrassment & degrading humiliation that comes hand in hand with the condition. So in the hope that perhaps one day it may mean something to the right person so things can finally be done about it - we've all waited far too long already as it is for progress to be made so i'm getting all of this out.

SECTION ONE:- This is where i'll be explaining my circumstances from which inarguably caused mine,the confirmation which followed with remarkable consistencies will be seperated to avoid confusion.If any person reading this is impatient & just wants brief info-i'll summise what details are enclosed in this section.Simply put the point is ' i was unmistakingly bitten by bird mites in 2004 & this led to many strange, ongoing symptoms'.In case of relevance for any researcher i've covered all the facts of the environmental situation for the purpose of exact understanding, so there'll be no case of leaving out anything of potential importance. Here goes, back in 2004 i had been in bed with glandular fever.There were ulcers in my throat & it was inflamed so i was staying in bed to sleep it off(having had it before & gone to the dr & still advised rest was all i could do as the best way to recover as quickly as i could) At this time my partner had a tree cut down next to the bedroom, a nest had been in it & since the tree was gone my partner put the nest on the guttering/drain type of thing outside the bedroom window so the birds would be alright.They were starlings & being confined to bed the birds became something i would watch regularly.I saw their babies hatch & kept an eye on them.During this time the stump had been removed(seperate from the day it was chopped) as a result of this a pipe was broken and water flooded the garden bed.This had soil which contained fertilizers,weed killers,pesticides all of those kinds of things.The birds however(parents only) took the opportunity to use this water as a bath & since starting to do so, something shocking happened.When i witnessed a baby fall from the nest due to overcrowding, i rushed outside to put him back & that was when i first saw the mites. They were absolutly everywhere scurrying around- i don't just mean on the birds themselves (& trust me they were riddled with them) but also in the nest, down the wall of the house & covered a brick fence which is adjoining the wall the nest is on. [Before the garden flooded i hadn't seen any as i went to look closly at the babies when they were born and i assure you an infestation is not something that can be overlooked due to the huge numbers of the fast moving critters,so because i hadn't spotted them prior to the water, i at first thought it was a contributing factor to what was about to go wrong with my body (until i found others going through the same thing that is).] My actions consisted of replacing the baby & upon discovering they were on my hands,making their way up my wrists,i momentarily observed them-finding them to be both red & what looked like black but may have been very dark brown.Then i wiped them off me & immediately showered afterwards to be certain none were still remaining,then back to bed i went.When my partner got home i informed him of the situation & how the nest urgently needed to be moved away from the house,i also urged him to be careful when he did it that they didn't end up on him because they're quick,naturally presuming that if they obviously bite birds & live off their blood,then just as fleas will bite any human they encounter by chance rather than searching for another dog these mites would also do the same.I even nagged him to shower afterwards to be on the safe side rather than risk potentially getting bitten by any of them.Regardless of my caution towards them(in Jan of that year i had already been bitten all over my legs by sugar ants & they were agonising & took alot of patience to heal in response to seemingly infected bites[ i was the only one in this house to be bitten aswell incredibly, even though they were everywhere around ,near everyone not just me-by the way didn't go to dr for this either,i just personally dealt with it, so just because i didn't go to dr when i 1st got mite bites means nothing-i still wouldn't ever have gone if i hadn't discovered other sufferers who i wanted to give answers to so we could all get help)] So had already learned the hard way about how any insect/anthropod/so on, even if you would not think to expect it, are capable human predators when presented with the ideal opportunity), my efforts to stress to my partner the importance of ensuring we don't get eaten alive like the birds he still viewed these mites as no big deal.It was already too late for him to relocate the nest that day so it was left until daytime.When he transferred the nest i was asleep & even though he knew i'd already seen them for myself,my partner still found himself so impressed with the plentitude of mites he came into the bedroom to wake me up, showing me just how many there are & how that was only the ones on him,that i should see how many are on the walls & birds.Although still half asleep once able to comprehend the situation enough i assured him that of course i'd already seen the amount for myself & even though i was completly baffled by why he would dare to bring them inside, when i saw that they were now crawling on the bed where he leant over to get closer to me, i again emphasied to him the importance in getting rid of every last one & to take a shower right away.Since he confirmed he understood i continued straight back to sleep due to fatigue ,with no good reason to suspect anything wouldn't be handled appropriatly-everything seemed under control.Instead i woke to find myself completly covered in bites -he only removed the ones(mites) still on him. my bites were open, raised with a crater in the centre type bites & some which were blistery & filled with white gunk sort of like a pimple.Both types were agonising & felt as if they were burning, even the air on them as i moved would ache.I literally had these head to toe all over me & my dogs who had been in bed also had bites i could see on their bellies-one even had a mite semi buried which i was able to squeeze out of him. In response to this i spent many consecutive hours soaking in the bath(water stopped air reaching my open wounds & was all i could do to soothe them) with tea tree oil hydrogen peroxide,salt, epsom salt & eventually eucalyptus oil which i found the most relief from aswell as covering my bites in betadine etc. All this proved to be to no avail when it came to helping them heal.Fibres & granuals appeared & the worst feeling of my ears sinuses,throat,eyes were even being invaded(much more occured but they will be discussed in sect.2),aswell as this sunlight became unbearable-my eyes wouldn't just water but also sting to the point that i couldn't hold them open so of course as a result i had been restricted to remaining indoors only.Next came the dizziness,headspins, blackouts & constantly losing my track of thought which are disturbing issues plaguing me thanks to this occuring. Worse still, my hair started to fall out bit by bit at first it began just at the back, yet worked it's way forward until huge clumps were dropping out and then i was completly bald(i am female by the way). It didn't end there , my eyebrows on my right side went bald all at once, then my right eyelashes fell out, the left side the same thing happened but just in patches not as bad as all ot once, another symptom of mine is that when my hair slowly returned (eyebrows & lashes replaced in normal times -not the case with my head it was very slow growing & hadn't recovered in the way it was supposed to) here is the part that has contributed to the majority of my pain & debilitation(again it sounds like madness but is the truth) my hair now sews me up with itself within my body-the 1st time this happened it was choking my throat just before my hair fell out-yet it was beneath my skin not above the surface that this took place & it feels somehow as if to be electromagnectically connected to all areas of my body,this has even led to my appearance being unchangably deformed,my head is the worst ,then lungs & another important zone so considering these circumstances i was at the stage of completly hiding from everybody & i sure wasn't going to the dr whilst going through this & trying to explain the entirely absurd situation i'd been facing so i continued to deal with this on my own because although i am positve these things commenced once i was bitten i always rationalised to myself that it must have been due to a combination of factors including having glandular fever mixed with the chemicals in the flooded soil,with perhaps having my blood poisoned by bird blood getting into my system from the same mites that already bit them & perhaps blood poisoning from the mites themselves straining my already compromised immunity. I would never have imagined people were out there who also knew the devastation i was experiencing(although not to the full extent which i give reasons for soon).So i stayed silent & in hiding , as my weakness,pain,fatigue and too odd to explain type of symptoms from nov dec 04 continued to worsen.Still in shock that this nightmare was even able to manifester,i received my next shock which provided me with a much needed dose of relief.
mites / connection & so on continued in SECOND SECTION:- which will follow shortly